Established 1876
The Geology Section meets on the third Thursday of the month at 2.30pm with a diverse programme led by members and visiting speakers. We welcome everyone with an interest in geology from those with no prior knowledge to those with a specialist interest.
We have a particular interest in the geology of Northamptonshire and surrounding counties but members also have national and worldwide interests. Topics covered in recent meetings have included: Northampton Building Stones, Deep Time, Midlands Minerals by Roy Starkey, the geology of Pembrokeshire and practical sessions using our collections. We also want to promote knowledge of the historical figures of Northamptonshire’s geology including John Morton, William Smith, Anne Baker and Beeby Thompson.
The Geology Section was one of the first sections formed in the Northamptonshire Natural History Society and past members have included Beeby Thompson (Northamptonshire’s pioneering geologist, whose son, Arthur Beeby-Thompson played a key role in developing the UK oil industry) and Walter Crick (the grandfather of Francis Crick, who discovered DNA). We hold Walter Crick’s collection of fossils, micro-fossils and foraminifera (single cell micro-organisms with hard shells), and over 1,200 specimens of rocks and minerals collected by Beeby Thompson, Ron Martin and other members. The Gordon Osborne Sand collection, located in our rooms, is probably still the largest collection of sand held by a local society in the world.
The Society’s Curation Group meets at 11am on alternate Mondays and you are welcome to join us. Please see the programme for dates.
The Geology Section has close links with the Northampton U3A Geology Group which meet in the Humphry Rooms (the Societies meeting rooms) on alternate Thursday mornings. Please email Bob Purser if you are interested in joining.
Friends of St Peter’s
St Peter’s Church, Marefair is the last resting place of William Smith, the father of English Geology and a fine alabaster memorial to him is located in the church, as is a memorial to Anne Baker, the early nineteen century geologist. The Friends are keen to promote St Peter’s as an important site for historical geologists.
For further information please contact the Section Secretary, Bob Purser
Beds of Wellingborough Limestone at Finedon Top Lodge photo (c) Bob Purser